
reasons why you can’t build muscle you are working so hard for

Reasons why you can’t build muscle 💪🏾

I’m about 1 mile left in this Honolulu marathon, probably my 4 or 5th Honolulu marathon back then in 2013.

My face says it all. If you’ve raced long distance, then you know it very well. The look that shows at this point, it’s all MENTAL. Your body has shut down so you will 🧠 yourself across the finish line.

And it was ALSO one of the many reasons why I had a hard time losing fat and gaining muscle. I did too much cardio. Ate too much carbs and fat and didn’t periodize my training.

Here are several reasons why you aren’t building the muscle you want:

1. Too much cardio – this breaks down muscle.

2. Not switching your training up – your body adapts to same same no matter how “hard” it feels.

3. Not eating enough OR like me – eating TOO MUCH food in imbalanced portions (high carb high fat). As a long distance athlete, I told myself “I could eat a lot of whatever food since I trained so much.” Nope, your body doesn’t operate like that.

4. Not being consistent – you do some here or do some there every so often. If you want a specific result, you have to work at it daily. Not when you feel like it.

5. Not getting uncomfortable – all too often I see the same gals on my gym doing the same exercises at the same weight. Day in. Day out. Week by week. Month to month. And that’s great because they are consistent. But if you want “tone,” then you gotta ditch the light weights and start lifting heavier, especially if you’re a woman over 35.

I used to think I was great at pushing myself; but, hiring a coach made me realize when I was holding back. We all can level up when we have an unbiased third person join the party 🎉.

If you’re tired like I was of spinning your wheels, let’s chat to see if my LevelUp Lifestyle program is a fit for you! ❤️

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